Who we are

We are:


A group of people in love with Jesus

Jesus defines us. He tells us who we are, fills us with himself, and fills us with his life. We are called to live his life as his body in this world, his living temple; his sanctuary.

Called to proclaim the victory of God in Christ Jesus

Jesus is God’s Grace in human flesh. At the intersection of time and eternity, Jesus bore our sin, sorrow, and shame upon a Roman cross. There he descended into Hell to exhibit the depths of his love for all, redeem us with his Blood, and romance us to himself. He “makes all things new” (Rev. 21:5).

A real church in this unreal world

Jesus is the Truth. His Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. We cannot arrive at the Truth without being Truthful. We don’t want to play church but be the real church. We’re like the stinky manger in which the Christ child is placed. When we’re honest about the mess, we can be honest about God’s Grace. We are the place in which the Christ is born.

A place to wrestle the Word

We want to be a biblical church. We believe The Scriptures to be “authoritative on all matters to which they speak.” Jesus is The Word, who inhabits the written word, and uses that word to wrestle the lies from our hearts and his truth—himself—into our hearts (see Genesis 32:22-32).

A church without walls

Sanctuary Abroad. “‘Jerusalem will be a city without walls… And I myself will be a wall of fire around it,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will be its glory within’” (Zech. 2:4-5).

Representatives of under-represented truths

We don’t know if the Sanctuary will ever be big, but we do believe that we’re called to have a big influence. We believe that we’re called to represent these under-represented truths:

  • God is One, and so his Judgment is Love.

  • God is Love, and so desires to save.

  • God is Almighty, and so can save.

  • God is Jesus, and so does save.

We want to proclaim these truths to the world and to the Church at large—a Church that has often believed that God’s Love in Christ Jesus is insufficient for the redemption of all. We feel called to preach from this perspective and make this message available through the internet and any other means that would spread the leaven of the kingdom.

“The kingdom of heaven is like leaven [yeast in bread] that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened” (Matt. 13:33).