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Falling Upward (Wk 12)

Falling Upward

Week 12 - Falling Upward; Coda; Collecting the Graces

God wanted to give human beings their fullness right away, but they were incapable of receiving it, because they were still little children. - St. Irenaeus (125- 205 A.D.)

Transformation into the fullness of the image of Christ is your calling and destiny. Whether you are old or young in body, we invite you to explore the promise of the Spirit within us to transform us into the fuller dimensions of our spiritual authenticity in Christ.

Week twelve of a twelve-week online class - a discussion of Richard Rohr's book: "Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life." This class runs through March 31st.

Facilitated by John Pyrc. Interested in joining? Email

March 28

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March 30

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