A Letter From Frances

Dear Sanctuary,

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I’m writing to let you know about a significant change in my role at the Sanctuary. A new chapter is ahead for us, as my husband Bill is entering full retirement as of Jan 1, 2021. With that, we planned to go back and forth between Denver and the Boston area, where he is from originally. He has always dreamed of having a home on the east coast after retirement to spend more time with his family, as well as his friends there that he’s known since high school. Over the years, his dream has also become my dream. However, the parts we never anticipated are the impact of the pandemic, coupled with a close family member who has an auto-immune disorder. These factors have made things much more complicated in terms of travel back and forth, risk to exposure to COVID and keeping our family a priority.

Over a number of discussions with Peter, the Board and staff about the changes in my life as well as the church budget, we’ve all decided its best at this time to shift my role at the Sanctuary from a regular employee to an independent contractor, kind of like how Karl Wheeler has been operating. I will still be doing some classes here and there, or speaking at church, but will no longer be the regular Community Care pastor. I’m encouraged and excited to have Chris Lindenmeyer fulfill this role to replace me as well as Kathleen Kegel. I think Chris is a tremendous fit, with a calm yet energizing presence. As I pass the baton to Chris, I trust that God is ultimately the one to build and care for our community and that He does that through all of us together. God is in our midst through the changing seasons of life, just as faithful as the changing seasons in nature through the year.

Change brings a mixture of emotions. I’m sad about the fact that I’ve worked directly with Peter and Susan for over twenty years now and that is coming to an end. Sad about not having regular meetings with our small but wonderful staff. Sad about not being at the Sanctuary as much and seeing you all on a continual basis. But I’m also hopeful and excited about things ahead, Lord willing, like seeing my elderly mother more, spending time with kids and grandkids, being on the east coast with Bill. I’m also excited about personal goals of mine like finishing a book I’ve been writing, developing more avenues for people to grow spiritually and personally through counseling videos, articles and children’s books. I will continue to do my counseling private practice, which for now is all virtual, but down the road will be back in person both in Denver and in Massachusetts.

I want you all to know that while my role is changing, the various levels of friendship with you all is not! Bill and I will continue to be members of the Sanctuary and participate in ways that fit the new chapter of our life. So, please stay in touch! When the pandemic subsides, we hope to see you in church! Meanwhile, the plan is that I would still offer courses or speaking, as needed by the Sanctuary. In fact, we (Chris and I) are planning to offer another Enneagram class next spring that will be online, so stay tuned and we’d love to see you there!

With love to you all,



Christmas Eve Candlelight Service


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