A Request from Pastor Peter Hiett
Dear Sanctuarians,
I’ve been sensing an awful lot of despair in our fellow Americans. Well, your country needs you. The world needs you. You have a King who will not leave you nor forsake you, and your fellow Americans—indeed, the citizens of this world—would like to meet him.
For the last two messages, I’ve spoken about politics and our faith. This week we’ll conclude as we finish the book of Jonah. It’s quite a challenge to preach to a sound bite culture. So if you haven’t heard those previous two messages, would you just consider reading the summaries posted on each respective page of relentless-love.org? Here are the links: Who to NOT Vote For (and the Babysitter) and Partisan Politics: Three Days in Hell.
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I hope you’ll attend in person or online this week, because you, of all believers, confess that our God is not partisan and you yourself are his very presence in this world—you (Republican, Democrat, Independent, or Cub Scout etc.) are all Children of Jonah, like Simon Bar-Jonah (Matt. 16:17). You are the presence of the King of Kings.